29 Dezember 2015

Politik vs Religion

Motte Allerechtevorbehalten
Motte Allerechtevorbehalten You want to defense religion Islam or defense Indonesia from political intrests which target the non christian/jewish societies (and ressources)? - tdk mngerti „frown“-Emoticon
Motte Allerechtevorbehalten
Motte Allerechtevorbehalten It's basically about money and/or power. Religion is always used for political strategies. 25 years ago it were the communists, now they blame the djihadist for everything. Religion is only between one person and God. No party, nothing else. More than one person plus God is the begin of manipulativ use of religion and the begin of an ideology. Ideologies you need to go in competition with other ideologies. After competition comes struggle. After struggle comes fight. FPI needs not to defend the Islam against re-colonialisation by western interests, because these interests come as money and not as religion. You can not defend the Islam from money, because money buys the whole person. Religion only the soul. But money cannot save one soul.
Motte Allerechtevorbehalten

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DI Mathias Gruböck                                                          Baden, 29.12.2015
Unternehmens- und Organisationsberater

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