14 Dezember 2016


Motte Allerechtevorbehalten
Motte Allerechtevorbehalten Is this the christian gouvernor of jakarta who was blamed for breaking muslim laws because he said, that its not forbidden for a Muslim to elect/vote for a non-Muslim?
Motte Allerechtevorbehalten
Motte Allerechtevorbehalten did he succed at court?
Motte Allerechtevorbehalten
Motte Allerechtevorbehalten I thougt Indonesia is a republic?
Motte Allerechtevorbehalten
Motte Allerechtevorbehalten So where is the problem? In the constitution the procedures of election is granted? If some religious leader in Indonesia starts to play the religion-card in 5 years you have no Indonesia any more. This will be a Syria+Irak+Libya+Israel for almos 300 Million people. How insane are this fanatics?
Gefällt mir nicht mehr · Antworten · 1 · Gerade eben

DI Mathias Gruböck                                                                                        Baden, 14.12.2016
Unternehmens- und Organisationsberater

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